
haktutsincoinmaster| [Silver prices in New York soared by more than 30% and exceeded gold prices, experts warned of the risk of a high correction]

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haktutsincoinmaster| [Silver prices in New York soared by more than 30% and exceeded gold prices, experts warned of the risk of a high correction]

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[silver prices hit a three-year high, surpassing gold prices, experts advise against the risk of a pullback] Silver prices have continued to rise recently, hitting a three-year high. Since March 1, the price of silver on the New York Mercantile Exchange has risen more than 30%, and the price of silver has exceeded that of gold over the same period. However, this rapid upward trend has also aroused the alarm of relevant professionals, some analysts believe that the price of silver is already high, a pullback may not be far away. Gu Fengda, chief analyst of Guoxin Futures Nonferrous Metals, warned that the recent rapid rise in gold and silver prices is worthy of vigilance, as the increase has exceeded 15% in just a few months, and the risk of a high correction is increasing in the short term. In this regard, investors should be rational and guard against the risk of a high pullback in silver prices. In addition, the rapid rise in the price of silver has also aroused widespread concern in the consumer market. As an industrial metal, the price fluctuation of silver affects not only the investment market, but also the downstream industry. Relevant industries should pay close attention to the changes in the price of silver and do a good job in risk prevention. Generally speaking, the rapid rise in the price of silver has aroused the market's attention and vigilance. Investors and related industries should be rational, pay close attention to market changes, and do a good job in risk prevention. At the same time, it should also be noted that the fluctuation of silver price is a comprehensive reflection of market factors, which needs to be analyzed and judged from many angles. Risk Tip of Hexun self-selected WriterHaktutsincoinmasterThe above content is only the views of the author or guest, does not represent any position of Hexun, and does not constitute any investment suggestions related to Hexun. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider the risk factors related to investment products according to their own circumstances and consult professional investment advisers if necessary. Hexun tries its best but cannot confirm the authenticity, accuracy and originality of the above content, and Hexun does not make any guarantee or commitment.